Wednesday 31 December 2014

Surf the web without annoying ads!

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Whatever the best product you have, no one may buy it unless they know that you have it. That sentence may sound stupid, but that is a fact. In order to make people aware of what we have, we advertise. Advertisements having this simple purpose have now pertained into almost every media. Just imagine what and all we will be missing if there were no advertisements.

Good share of the income to the TV channels come from advertising and if they miss this form of revenue, they may start charging huge sum as subscription fee. High subscription fee may turn down the number of subscribers and in turn the revenue of TV channels. In such cases the TV channels will not be able to pay a good sum of money to TV program producers. That will for sure affect the quality of programs. In the same way, Internet based companies like Google, Facebook and Yahoo may rely on income from ads. If there are no advertisements, we may not have these online Giants. Even if they somehow got established from revenue in form of paid subscriptions, they won’t be called Giants. Will the Facebook have this huge user base if they charge a subscription fee? Very few would’ve signed up and it will feel so empty without friends. I have so far said this whole crap in this paragraph to emphasize on importance of adverts.

Thursday 2 October 2014

Are they selling "rubber" to the monks?

I never gave a thought whether the vaginal parts are acidic or basic. 

I am not obscene; I am as serious as heart attack. Recently I noticed an advert in which a woman said that she feels confident because she maintains pH level in her private part at around 3.5. I didn’t notice it properly the first time as I was talking over the phone the first time saw this ad on TV. But the pH level stroked my mind as this was the first time I saw some advert regarding some mild acid.

Saturday 20 September 2014

Do not undervalue a Rupee

                I can’t understand what Airtel feels about one rupee. The latest advertisement from them for watching videos in one rupee is not having a clear stand and actually it appears gross to me. In almost all the videos in this campaign one guys who values the one rupee asks the other guy whom doesn’t seems to value the one rupee. They sometimes use words like after all it is one rupee. I hate that part as they say something negative about the one unit of Indian currency. However small its value is, it is money and they should’ve respected that. If the guy who made such statement is some kind of negative role or if someone else corrects  him, that would’ve been okay, but in their advertisements, they show him as hero as he says something and wins over the other guy.

Monday 7 July 2014

Masculinity from a new perception - Dixcy Scott TVC

Masculinity from a new perception.

Most of the innerwear advertisements showcase a man winning in a fight, walking so boldly or playing some ball games with other men and dominating in it. But the new Dixcy Scott inner wear advertisement featuring Salman Khan is definitely a game changer. After watching the short version in TV, I found Dixcy Scott Innerwear’s YouTube channel and watched the whole 69 seconds version. It is showing the masculinity in a new way.  

Wednesday 2 July 2014

I watch TV to see advertisement

I watch TV to see advertisement rather than the programs they show. Some Advertisements are much better than the programs and some advertisements are just bullshit. I felt that I have to start a new blog to write about the advertisements that are notable and so I did.