Friday 27 March 2015

Team India - we're always with you

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Let's have breakfast at Guptas'

"Nashta" (Nashta means breakfast, in Hindi, I think) is usually a small meal when compared to Lunch or dinner. Some nutritional experts have long referred to breakfast as the most important meal of the day. The breakfast or Nashta must not only be tasty, but also nutritional. Now that is a very tricky task to prepare a meal that is tasty, flavorful, interesting and at the sametime being healthy and nutritious. I know someone who has many secret recipes that is both healthy and tasty. The number of recipes they have might sum up to hundred.
I want to go their house for breakfast everyday no matter what the occasion is. Mrs. Gupta whips up the perfect breakfast for any occasion out of nowhere!

For instance, that day, it was a local festival and we usually celebrate it with sweets like ladoos. Ladoos are definitely lip-smacking treat, but not all the ladoos are healthy. But Mrs. Gupta prepared those special ladoos that were so delicious, but at the same time, they were so light and healthy. I was so eager to know about the secret of her recipes and when I asked about it, she was very happy to inform me about it. She gave me some wonderful tips too. Don't worry, I will share those tips with you now. The secret ingredient were nothing but Kellogg's products. Yes, unbelievable isn't it. It was Kellogg's Corn Flakes that made every the Ladoo at Guptas' so yummy and healthy. You can get the recipe for those special coconut ladoos here :  It is not just the health and nutrition in their breakfast that attracts me. They have a recipe suited for every occasion. Last sunday, I went to Gupta's for "Nashta". We sat down for a movie and guess what? They had this "Movie Wala Nashta". It’s popcorn in a whole new healthy avatar! It was so perfect for the occasion and it made the movie watching experience as wholesome. The recipe for "Movie Wala Nashta" is available here for you:

Every time I go to Guptaji's house for Nashta, it is all about the wholesome experience that you can get over a Nashta. First, it is so flavorful and tasty. Next it is healthy. Above all, it is perfect for every occasion.

If you are not sure of how they can have a Nashta for every occasion, hear this. It was a very long day in office. I was working like a dog and I was so tired. I needed a refreshment so that I can be alive again! So where would I go? Yes, you are right. I went to Guptaji's house hoping for a perfect Nashta for the occasion. And they had it. They called it as "homework wala nashta." It was mouthwatering and went very well with a hot cup of tea. It had fresh cucumber, grapes, celery, basil and cabbage. The dressing was fine too. It looked so delicious and it tasted even better! Like always, I made sure that I got the recipe for this too. You can have this recipe by going to

Checkout healthy and tasty mouthwatering recipes and useful tips: 
Facebook page of Kellogg's 'Anaaj ka Nashta’ :


Wednesday 18 March 2015

Choose to start

When we start something new in our life, when we do something for first time, it becomes a memorable event. It is something special to bring something new into our life and that moment in which we bought in the change stays memorable. It could be the first time you started on vegan diet or it could be adapting yourself to the modern technologies. It could be a first bicycle ride or first motorbike ride or it could be driving your favourite car for first time. It could be anything of that sort. But if we do something for the first time, it is something special.

When do we do something new? When do we try something for the first time? I can't speak for everyone, but I think I can say that most of us try to do something new when we have something new. I don't know why, but I felt that I should do something new today. I wanted to #ChooseToStart. I guess I needed to get something new. ( 😉 No, I was not trying to find reason to shop.😉 ) I did not want to spend a lot of money, but at the same time I wanted something useful; something that is good value for money. So I was just browsing a popular online shopping site and I badly wanted to get this Motorola Nexus 6. But that exceeds my budget; maybe we can go for that next month. So I was looking for something else that is equally endearing and I found this all new Moto E. This is second generation model and it is successor of super-hit Moto E first generation. It is an amazing new phone and I decided to go for it, but I have some kind of sentiment attached to my first gen Moto G that I am using now. My current phone was a gift from a special someone and for some reason I decided to stick with it for a while. But at the sametime, I wanted this new beautiful smartphone that comes with sweetest android release to date, out of box! Well, I can buy it for my dad. He always wanted a smartphone, but whenever I suggested him to get one, he postponed the idea of buying a new phone. But now is the time and I cannot delay it any further. So I ordered an all new  Moto E for him.

But remember, I wanted to #ChooseToStart something today. But if I give it to my dad, this may not be my special day. I may not do anything for the first time. Oh wait. This will be one of the most memorable memories of my life. I have never bought a gift for my dad so far. When I was in school and college, I have got few cards for his birthdays. But I wouldn't consider them as gifts. Moreover, I bought them from the money that my dad gave me. But today I will get him a real gift, a real smartphone. This will be his first smartphone and I'm sure he'll love it. He can #ChooseToStart many things with his new phone running on latest android.
All new Moto E.     Picture courtesy:

It is not just one or two things that he will Start with a new smartphone, but many things. I will list a few.

1, First, multi tasking: The all new Moto E comes with 1.2 GHz quad-core CPU, advanced graphics and 1GB of RAM. This will allow him to seamlessly switch between different applications with ease. He can listen to music and browse the web or take notes at the same time. The first true smartphone experience. 

2, Taking photos instantly: By Instantly, I mean instantly. For the first time, he can capture beautiful moments, landscapes, portraits or anything he wants using a phone with just a simple twist of wrist!

3, Taking notes, Moto way: My dad takes lots of notes. He has his small pocket notebook in which he writes down all the notes. It might be working for him, but it is less effective and sometimes counter-productive. It is very hard to look for something in the handwritten notebook if we forget where we wrote it down. We have to go through the pages one by one. Things gets worse. If we have to find something in one of the old notebook, you can imagine how it will be. But with his new phone, he can say goodbye to his old notebooks and he can take notes in a smarter way. Awesome applications like Google Keep will prove to be much more productive. So I can say that he will start to take notes in the smartest way possible.

4, Managing calendar more effectively: This is pretty much similar to the previous one, but I feel I must mention it. Do you remember the days when we used to mark down appointments in our dairies or in our monthly calendar at home. He still does it the same old way. He finds is quite alright, but a smartphone via which he can manage calendar much more effectively wouldn't hurt.

Those were just few things that I felt as most influential for him. There are quite a few other things that I didn't mention- like aesthetically pleasing look (curvy design + bands ), protection for phone (The water-repellant coating and Corning Gorilla Glass), future ready fast connectivity. I am sure he will like these options and when he uses it for the first time, it will create a memorable impression. 

He will start many new things with his new phone and these will turn out to be productive and at the same time fun. He will #ChooseToStart his smartphone journey with the all new Moto E ! 

Explore the all new Moto E everyone 's talking about:
Join the conversation on twitter. Use hashtag: #ChooseToStart

The power of being #together

Oh, the comfort — the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person — having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but pouring them all right out, just as they are, chaff and grain together; certain that a faithful hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping, and then with the breath of kindness blow the rest away.        ~Dinah Craik

Life is full of ups and downs. We stay humble during the up phases and we stay strong during the down phases. But sometimes we go down so deep that we lose our strength or our faith in our strength. All our optimism may seem gone and every positive thought in our mind is so feeble that it gets overshadowed by the negative emotions. I guess that all of us have experienced such a thing at some point in our life (and we may experience it again.) But we somehow survived it. But how did we do that. Did someone gave us an advice that and boosted our optimism? Did a sorcerer gave us a magic potion to power up our inner strength? Did we devised a plan so good that we overcame all the objections? Maybe some of us did. But most of us made it because of something else. We made it because of someone; that special someone who was on our side and gave us the comfort of their companionship. It could be anyone. Maybe your mom, dad, brother, sister, friend, girlfriend / boyfriend, wife, your pet. It could even be your alter ego!
When I dropped out of college ( ), I was at the bottom of my life. I stopped visiting my shrink and he almost lost hope in me. I was cut out of the entire world. I just stayed in my room and eat and got high and passed out. Few weeks passed and things only got worse. I can't really believe that I am somewhat normal now. But I had help. One day, I got up after sleeping for like two days and I was surprised. I was not in my bathroom, but in my bedroom. That is very strange because I usually pass out on bathroom floor. Well, my mom was there! I was shocked because I had a big fight with my family and I haven't talked to them for months. After what I did, I thought they 'd never forgive me. I still can't believe she forgave me.

A woman's love 
Is mighty, but a mother's heart is weak
And by its weakness overcomes.                          ~ James Russell Lowell, Legend of Brittany, Part II, Stanza 43.

She must've heard about me and she couldn't stand her son getting spoiled. Every mother in this world wants her child be a good person. She never hated me, but she hated my activities. She hated me for what I did, but she knew that I can be a good person and she gave me a chance and power. She didn't just show me the path to success; she might not have given me the complete strength to overcome negativity; she is not a good therapist. But she was #together with me in my struggle. She gave me hope. She was there to comfort me and she convinced me to move in with my parents. Soon they made me realize that I was not alone in the struggle of life. I realized that my parents were in this together with me. And that togetherness gave me the strength and motivation I needed to go on with optimism, and look up. It got me back on track. It's not just the advice or mere guidance that matters.  The company is what that matters more and that is the power of being #together!

Housing believes in the inimitable power of optimism. believes in the power of being #together! Housing believes that being together with loved ones gives us the strength and motivation we needed to go on with optimism, and look up

Wednesday 11 March 2015

Start A New Life

He who rejects change is the architect of decay. The only human institution which rejects progress is the cemetery.

I completely agree that all changes, have their melancholy. But change gives us a chance to be the the best we can possibly be. Sometimes change involves us leaving behind something that we love. Even if you are changing to leave your past behind, change might be challenging. But we have to change; we have to move forward in life and most times, it requires a change in one way or another. 
I had to change once. Well, I have changed myself in many aspects several times, but that time, it was so hard for me. I had to move away from what I loved. I had to move way from whom I thought I will spend rest of my life with. I had to change my life. And today, I will let you walk in my shoes. 

When we join a college, we join with hope. We may have many reasons for joining a college, and we join with optimism that everything will workout good. Some of us join a college with hope to become a physician or surgeon and to serve people, and some to earn plenty money. Some go to college to become a physicist or mathematician to better understand Universe. Some may choose to become an engineer because it might be their passion or may be just because everyone else is. There are even folks who just want to graduate college so that it can be printed on their marriage invitation (This reason was told by a student herself.) I joined a college filled with hope and enthusiasm just like everyone else. But the events happened after that changed my life completely. If everything turns out the way expect it to, then life will be such a boring thing. Luckily mine is interesting.
But my life turned out way more interesting than most of ours normally is and sometimes that could be a problem. When I joined, back in 2008, my college had this age old tradition of ragging. That doesn't just involve bullying the juniors; it goes way beyond that. There are quite a few anti-ragging laws, but their effectiveness is questionable. I would say its effectiveness is somewhere between ban for the sale of tobacco products near educational institutions and The Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988. Since I was in hostel, ragging was a bit intense and weird. The worst part of it is that some people believe ragging is good and it builds friendship. It may build friendship, but that good enough. As a part of my ragging, I was required to smoke mari***na.  I have never smoked even a cigarette before in my life. I tried to resist, but I was forced to smoke it. Eventually I got addicted. I am not gonna tell you how it felt, but you are gonna hate the world once you are sober. I gotta agree that ragging makes you get close with the seniors, but it is not for good, at least in my case. So when I entered second year, I became friends with the people who helped me learn smoking p*t and helped me in becoming a drunkard (which I regret). I hanged out with them a lot and soon I became a hooligan. I am not blaming anyone for that. If anyone were to be blamed, that would be myself. I actually liked being a ruffian. But I was completely against ragging. I made sure that none of our juniors were forced into anything that they didn't want to do. I tried to stop the practice of ragging, but I wasn't really successful, but the intensity of it reduced a lot.
Somewhere deep inside me, I knew that smoking (mari***na) and too much of drinking is bad, but I couldn't help it. As you might have predicted, I was so fu*ked up in studies. But I am not completely bad and wasted. I had few good friends whose advice I took as a big deal and I tried to bring many good changes in the college. By the time I went to third year, the ragging was almost like something that everyone would enjoy. The tasks that they asked to do were just to propose to a girl/boy passing by or to take an ant out for a walk and bring it back alive. Me and my friends made sure that ragging is now nothing more than just a simple prank.
Let me stop here and explain something to you. Please do not imagine me like a guy whom you see in the South Indian movies in which the protagonist is a rowdy and a hot girl has interest in him and he has a comedian friend; in the second half, he becomes a good guy because for his GF and then he will fight the bad guys. I am just the opposite. I was a good guy who turned bad. I do not have a comedian friend. I hate jokes made at others expense. My friends made jokes on me, but I was cool with it. I am not a handsome man. I am dark skinned guy with messed up hair. I always looked dull and sleepy in class because I spent nights roaming around, drinking and smoking. If someone make a movie, I might be the antagonist. There was no girl who was love with me or that was the case until I entered third year of my college. I don't know how the hell that happened, but she was interested in me. I do not have any reasonable explanation for that; maybe she was crazy. At first I was a bit confused and worried. I wouldn't want my sister to be in love with a guy like me, but you probably know how these things are. Maybe those girls were on look out for the guys with trouble. Soon I was in love or whatever you call it.
So far I had never involved in a fight that involves things like love or anything similar and I liked it to be that way. But my then girlfriend asked me to help a friend of her. Her friend, Akila, is from another college in the Dindigul. She was "love tortured" (whatever that means) by a guy named Vikram. She was in love with another guy and that guy didn't have balls to talk about this to Vikram, who happened to be a big rowdy in the college (or even in the entire Dindigul). I had never involved in any matter that is outside of our college. So I was a bit afraid to have a fight with Vikram, so I lied to Vikram that Akila is secretly married to that other guy. He wasn't ready to believe it, so I showed him a copy of marriage certificate (which was made using GIMP) which he believed. After that Vikram and I became good friends. In few months, Akila completed her course and went to her hometown, so I never told him the truth about her. :(
Months passed by. My girlfriend and I were having problems and we decided to break up. Soon I became friend with Preethi, Vikram's sister. Before we realized, we were in love. I am so amazed by the way this thing called love works. Preethi was very short tempered and rude. She never laughed or smiled. I felt like she was the most arrogant woman ever born in this planet. I never thought I would be in love with her. But I was is love with her!? She is arrogant, but she is very responsible. She never smiled, but she always wished well for everyone. She was a lady narcissus, but a rational woman. I felt in my heart that she is woman I am gonna the spend rest of my life with. She felt the same way; she said so. But there was a problem. Vikram never tried to understand us. He was very unreasonable and he says that a friend should never love a friend's sister. That might be sensible for some, but I couldn't understand that logic a bit. I was in love with her and I would be in love with her even if she wasn't his sister. In fact, she being his sister had nothing to do with our love. We tried explaining it to him, but he never listened. He was so determined not to listen to anything that we had to say. Preethi loves being in trouble, but she didn't want me to have any trouble and especially she didn't want me to be in trouble with anyone in her family. I wasn't in agreement with her. In the meanwhile Vikram was planning "to teach me a lesson." He and bunch of his friends decided to hang me upside down in a well. It was around 10 pm on that day. They tied few bamboos together, tied me by my leg to it, moved bamboo and placed it across the well in  such a way that I was hanging upside down in the well. But they hadn't tied the bamboos together firmly, so it loosened got separated.  I fell inside the well with my feet tied to the bamboo. They were just nearby drinking, so they must have heard the splash. I couldn't see anything, but I heard indistinct chatter outside and they were so freaked out. I somehow managed to swim near a wall and I got hold of a tree that as growing on the inner wall of the well. Somehow I managed to untie the rope holding my leg together with that bamboo. Vikram was screaming on top of his voice and he was asking if I was OK. But I was so mad, I didn't reply. There isn't a day that has passed so for without me regretting that. Since he didn't hear my reply, he jumped inside the well. He must've been so drunk, otherwise, he wouldn't have drowned himself. He was a good swimmer. I didn't know swimming properly, but I tried looking for him, but I couldn't. It was so dark that we couldn't see anything. It was only the next morning, we found his body. A life wouldn't be lost if I wasn't so stupid that moment. I didn't think that he would jump inside to save me. Even if he did, he was a good swimmer. Moreover, I thought he wanted me dead. But if I had known better, his parents wouldn't have lost their son. Preethi wouldn't have lost her brother. I am sorry.
I am so sorry. Sometimes I get carried away. I actually sat down today to talk about change. I wanted to talk about how I started a new life after all that. I wanted to say how positive a change is. But I got carried away. Moreover, I never shared this to anyone, except Preethi and my close friends. I told everyone that I was drinking with Vikram and I fell inside and then he jumped inside to save me. May he rest in peace.
It had a big impact on me. They said it was PTSD (not an STD). I became claustrophobic. Seventh semester had just started, but I didn't attend any classes. All I ever did was to stay inside room. But sometimes that scared the sh*t out of me. So I just wandered helplessly on road. My shrink (he is cool with me calling him that) suggested that I should move in with my parents in my hometown. But that was just impossible for me. I was in seventh semester of my college. I can't drop out now. My university doesn't allow changing colleges after completing first year. Most importantly, I was too afraid to move. I afraid to take a single step. Preethi knew what happened that night and she tried to comfort me that it wasn't completely my fault. But she wasn't talking to me like before. I was so confused. But my parents convinced me and made me move in with them, but all I did in my hometown was drug abuse. I wanted to change. I wanted to leave all the past behind me and I wanted to move on. But I was afraid of everything. I was paranoid. Mukul, my close friend, moved to Chennai after completing the college. He took me to Chennai along with him. That was the first significant change that I did to leave my past behind. I slowly recovered. I started going outside my room. The most important thing I ever did was to attend a job interview. That was one of the worst nightmares. The interviewer kept asking me the same fucking question "Why I dropped out of college?" I walked out during the interview, but I was actually happy. I actually attended an interview. If you had any idea how I was before, you will agree that it was a great achievement. I managed to get a job somehow that help me meet my food and house rent expenses. My life may not be as great as what I hoped it would be. I screwed it up a big time. But I am changing. I am hopeful that someday, I will be the best that I can possibly be.

You might be interested in :

I've always wanted to share this with the world. Thanks to ( ) for giving me one more reason to write about it.


I have changed the names of the characters for obvious reasons. 

Monday 9 March 2015

Look Up

Life isn't always same. Sometime we are happy and sometimes we are not. But it is not so easy to accept it and be optimistic in the hard time. But once we realize that life goes both upwards and downwards, we will be able to face any challenges and we can stay strong to bring happiness in our life through hard work and persistence.
I did not have this optimistic mind until a few months ago. I was so f***ed up to say the least. As you may know (if you have read my other blogs) that I dropped out of college on final year and I was too ashamed to go back to home. So I moved in with my friends in Chennai, trying to start a new life. Things weren't as simple as I thought it would be. I got into so much trouble; more than I could handle. I was in huge debt of five lakh rupees due to education loan, I haven't completed the degree, I don't have a job, I am too ashamed to meet my parents who probably hate me, My girlfriend dumped me for being a moronic loser, my neighbours consider me as a filth. I do not want to bore you with details, but it would be a lie if I say that I never wanted to kill myself. My daily routine went like this. I wake up at 11 or half past 11, buy the cheapest Rum available in TASMAC, drink, watch TV, wander on the road, sleep. I didn't know why I am alive anymore.

Worried about me, my friend and then roommate took me to his home town on his vacation hoping that it might help me to take my mind off the things. I actually wanted to stay back and drink, but he insisted. I went there, days went by. I didn't drink (much) and it was the worst in the whole world - to stay sober. But my daily routine changed slowly. I started to wake up early and I worked in the farm. I was really helpful to take mind off things. I tried to keep myself occupied in one or other work. The work was so tiring to body since it required much physical work, but it was so refreshing to my mind. But whenever I go to bed, those thoughts of my life getting wasted haunted me. Will I ever be able to face my parents, will my girl friend ever forgive me, will I be able to replay my education loan, will I complete my college degree, will I ever get a job, will these people ever stop looking at me like I am a filth. But a hard days work is very good in giving us a good sleep, so somehow I slipped into sleep most of nights.
Just two days more for me to be here. Once my friend's vacation is over I will be in the same place where I was last month. It was a beautiful morning as some would say. I was crossing a highway to bath in a well and I heard a mild wailing. It was a skinny dog drenched on its own blood. The poor bitch must've been hit by a speeding truck or maybe a car. It is the most horrifying scene I 've ever saw. It lost its hind legs and its chance of survival was almost zero. But it wasn't ready to give up.
It tried to move to the end will all its might and its rear was losing blood so badly. It tried to make more noise, but that poor little thing couldn't even move. I wanted to kill it. I didn't knew what it was trying to do or where it was trying to go, but I couldn't stand its pain. But I soon realized that it is trying to go near its puppies. Those poor little things didn't knew what has happened. They were so cute and small and looked like they were born just the previous night. That explained the dog's skinny look and its persistence to cross the road. The poor dog died in few minutes and I felt so helpless and desperate. I couldn't do anything.
I took a shovel and buried the dog and took puppies to my friend's farmhouse nearby. They were happy to have them as pets.
That was one of the saddest moments of my life, but it taught me something. It made me to be optimistic about things. It may not seem optimistic, but if you know how I was before, then you 'd agree that I am far more optimistic that how I was before. That dog knew that it won't survive, but it was trying to see if its puppies were okay with all its might. Till the moment it died it didn't give up trying. It might not have succeeded in reaching near its puppies. But it succeeded in its ultimate goal. Now its puppies are in safe hands.
My situation is not even close to that dog. Mine is far better. I am still alive. I can make things right or at least I can try to make things right. So I decided to try. I tried and I am trying and I will try.
I am still in debt to my bank, I haven't completed the degree yet, my girlfriend is now my ex-girlfriend and she still hate me. But I have a job that pays me enough to pay for my rent and food; people around me don't hate me very much. Above all, my parents forgave me and they are being very supportive.
I think I can say that I've tried enough to say that I am optimistic. For me, being optimistic doesn't mean being cheerful about everything. I am the least cheerful person I know. Being optimistic to me is being hopeful about the future. I maynot be confident about the future, but I am hopeful about it.

Look up the new housing. Bringing Optimism to the world.
Check out the 's new website at

Sunday 1 February 2015

Second Chance

“This post is a part of the #SecondChance activity at BlogAdda in association with MaxLife Insurance

We all have some unfulfilled desire/wish. It could be eating an ice cream in rain or going on a vacation to an island or it could be meeting an old friend. But all of s have something in our wishlist that we were not able to fulfil due to various reasons. You might have just postponed a plan or you might have even give up on a wish think that it might never happen. Nevertheless, if we get a second chance, we will get that wish fulfilled.

I have quite a few plans that I want to take care of. I had postponed these due to many circumstances, but if life were to give me a second chance, I will do them right now.

The most important thing is finishing my college degree. 

I was taking a Bachelor of Engineering course in Aeronautical Engineering. It was the first time ever I stayed out of home. I stayed in hostel and the first year (2008-09 academic year) of college went great. But in second year(2009-10 academic year), unfortunately, I got into bad company. Soon I was addicted to drugs and I didn't care about studies. I disappointed my parents very much and it affected my life so badly. I had to quit the college. I spent three years in college and in the end I was left with nothing but shame and guilt. My parents were so worried, but thank God, they somehow got me out of the mess I was in. I realized that I should get my B.E. degree to get a decent job, but I had already taken a education loan for the B.E. and I had few other debts. Plus I have to take care of my family. In this condition, I am not able to go back to college and complete the final year. I also have many backlogs from previous semesters. But if life gives me a second chance, the first thing I will do is to clear the backlogs and join the college. Getting a college degree may not sound much important to many, but after spending three years and lakhs of rupees, not a single day passes by without remorse. I know that I cannot start over, but I wish I will be given a second chance to correct the mistakes that I did in past.

Apologising to my grand dad.

My granddad always believed in me, even when no one else did. After dropping off from college, I thought to myself that I was no good to this world. But he said, if I were anything, I am "good". Even in his last years he worked very hard. He loved to travel, but he never travelled in his last few years because he gave all he earned to me to pay the fee that the educational loan didn't cover. Even in his last day, he was getting ready for work, but God took him away from us. I wanted him to go on an all India tour on my first salary. But I didn't even complete the degree and I screwed up real bad. I failed him. After quitting college I came to Mumbai from Palladam to start working in BPO and I never got a chance to apologize to him face to face and I cannot apologize to him in this life ever again.

I want to say "I Love You" to her. 

She is the love of my life. We were friends classmates during our high school and we were very good friends since then. We loved each other truly. She went to Germany to for her studies in 2010 and then we didn't talk much. We stayed in touch and when she learned what I was doing here, she was very angry at me for what I did. She wanted me to continue my college and complete the degree. But I had no hope. So I moved on with my life putting the studies behind. After she came back, I didn't feel good to hang out with her. She is the best lady I have ever met and I was a decadent. I was just a vermin and she deserve a lot better than that. but considering the situations, we decided to part away. It was so hard on her than it was on me, but I couldn't do anything. She loved me so much and I loved her. I still do. I want to look into her eyes and say "I love You." If I can get a chance to correct the things that I did before, I will never leave her

These three are things that bothers me so much. 

This post is a part of the #SecondChance activity at BlogAdda in association with MaxLife Insurance

Saturday 24 January 2015

God please, Let me not rest in peace

One of the most satirical open wiki on the web is encyclopedia dramatica. It lampoons on everything on earth ranging from countries, famous persons, current events, especially those related or relevant to contemporary Internet culture. Please try to refrain yourself. from reading it. (This not-safe-for-work site celebrates a subversive "trolling culture" )
They have an article about India and if you read about it, I am sure you would want either to hang yourself or to kill everyone who wrote that article; or atleast I felt that way. Since everyone can edit it, I tried to remove as many things as possible, but unfortunately, as per the scope of the wiki, what I did was considered Vandalism and it was quickly reversed. So frustrated by it, I powered off my computer and just took a walk to take my memory of it.

Sunday 18 January 2015

Healthy Child makes a healthy family and hence a happy home

My uncle loves children especially if they are a bit naughty. He is the happiest man on earth when his child, Udhay, does some mischief. He says that their innocent behaviour and playful activities rejuvenate him. But everyone else in their family had different opinion.
Udhay was so naughty and playful that someone has to be monitoring him 24x7. He never stayed still. He is always playing with something, roaming here and there and sometimes breaking everything and these made his mom so tired. She always complained how she is getting tired running behind him, cleaning the house after he breaks something or spills food. They had to keep every fragile object away or out of reach from him. You cannot find any glass or porcelain or any fragile material within reachable distance for that matter. He is definitely the most mischievous kid on the block. Their home was always noisy. But my uncle called it "full of life and happiness." My aunt loved Udhay, but she thought it would be better if Udhay is silent and less naughty.